
Peru 500 Soles de Oro banknote 1976 José Quiñones Gonzales

Peru Banknotes 500 Soles de Oro banknote 1976 Military aviator José Quiñones Gonzales
Peru money currency 500 Soles de Oro banknote 1976

Peru Banknotes 500 Soles de Oro banknote 1976 José Quiñones Gonzales
Central Reserve Bank of Peru - Banco Central de Reserva del Perú

Obverse: Military aviator José Quiñones Gonzales (José Abelardo Quiñones Gonzáles) (22 April 1914 – 23 July 1941); Coat of arms of Peru at center.
Reverse: River logging scene.
Printer: Italian Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Roma.
Date of Issue: 22 July 1976.
Original Size: 130 x 65 mm.
Texts: Banco Central de Reserva del Perú; Quinientos Soles de Oro.

Peru Banknotes - Peruvian Paper Money

10 Soles de Oro      50 Soles de Oro      100 Soles de Oro      

500 Soles de Oro      1000 Soles de Oro      5000 Soles de Oro

José Quiñones Gonzales
José Abelardo Quiñones Gonzáles (April 22, 1914 – July 23, 1941) was a Peruvian military aviator and national hero. In a manner similar to how Japanese kamikaze would crash at American ships in the Second World War, he sacrificed his life by deliberately colliding into an Ecuadorian battery during the Battle of Zarumilla in the Ecuadorian–Peruvian war.
  Lieutenant Quinones was a fighter pilot in the 41st Escuadrilla (Flight) of the Peruvian Air Force, which participated in a bombing raid at Quebrada Seca on July 23, 1941. Quinones' aircraft, a North American NA-50 "TORITO", was shot down by a battery of Ecuadorian anti-aircraft artillery; having no time to parachute to safety, Quinones made the supreme sacrifice by crashing his aircraft onto the Ecuadorian battery.
  After his death he was declared a national hero by law on May 10, 1966. Named in his honour is the Cap. FAP José A. Quiñones Gonzales International Airport near his town of birth in Chiclayo. When the new currency of Peru (nuevo sol) was introduced in 1991 he appeared on the 10 S/. Banknote.