
Iran 50000 Rials banknote 2006 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini

Iran currency 50000 Rials banknote 2006 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Iran money 50000 Rials banknote 2006 Nuclear Energy Power Symbol

Currency of Iran 50000 Rials banknote 2006 Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Banknotes of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Imam Khomeini Series 1992-2016
Bank Markazi Iran - Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Iranian banknotes, Iranian paper money, Iranian bank notes, Iran banknotes, Iran paper money, Iran bank notes.

In March 2007, the Central bank of the Islamic republic of Iran released the 50000 Rials banknotes for the first time. These notes are unique either for its denomination or its design. The note has a yellow and purple color and like previous issues of other denominations, it has the portrait of Ayatollah Khomeini on obverse side. The portrait is similar to the 5000 and 10000 banknotes published in early 1990s. 

Obverse: The portrait of Imam Khomeini at right (The Late Imam Ayatolah Seyyed Ruhollah Khomeini - former political and spiritual leader of the 1979 Iranian Revolution and a Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic); The emblem of the central bank of Iran is printed in the small empty space on the left side. Purple on brown, green, and multicolored underprint.
Signatures: Mahmud Bahmani & Seyed Shamseddin Hosseini.
Reverse of the bank note is the map of Iran, the symbol of nuclear power and a quotation by the prophet Mohammad that says: "Even the science was available in Pleiades, some people from Persia would reach to it", and "Persian Gulf" in English.

Date of issue: 11 March 2007.
Demensions: 166 x 79mm.

1 - See-through: An image that is partially printed on both sides of the substrate. When the register is viewed under transmitted light, the two parts fit together seamlessly to create a single shape or pattern.On the lower-left side there is a "See-Through Image" of the denomination (50000) which is completed when the banknote is held up to the light.
2 - Microprint: Small letters, numbers and/or images that are barely perceptible with the naked eye, but become visible at low magnification (under a loupe).
3 - Intaglio Sign for the blind: On the lower-left of the front side, there are three intaglio dots inside border lines, for the visually handicapped.
4 - Combination watermark: Portrait of Imam Khomeini and the denomination (‘50.000‘). The three dimensional watermark of Imam Khomeini in the left part of the banknote is embedded in the paste of paper. When the Banknote is held up to the light, the image can be seen from both sides.
5 - Windowed Security Thread: The note has a windowed holographic security thread with 2.5 mm width, showing the logo of The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The color of this thread varies with a slight change of light angle; meanwhile the invisible English text of "50000" within the thread is recognizable when light reflects from back side of the paper.
6 - Latent Image: When the banknote is tilted horizontally at eye level and held under a light source, the numeral "50000" appears vertically on the right dark green floral design near the portrait and the text "FIFTY THOUSAND RIALS" on the lower dark green border of the front side.
7 - Linear design
8 - Intaglio Printing: This feature can be easily detected by touch in some parts of the Banknote.
9 - Invisible Fluorescent Fibers: Fluorescent colored fibers in green, blue, red and yellow embedded in the paste of paper become visible under ultra violet light on the obverse and reverse sides.
10 - Fluorescent Ink: Banknote paper doesn't fluoresce under UV light and some parts of offset printing will glow in phosphoric green. signature printed in black changes to light green and serial NO. to yellowish gold.

Banknotes of the Islamic Republic of Iran
Imam Khomeini Series 1992-2016

500 Rials        1000 Rials        2000 Rials

10000 Rials   20000 Rials, Imam Square in Esfahan    20000 Rials, Al-Aqsa Mosque

   20000 Rials, Windcatchers at Abarkooh         50000 Rials         100000 Rials