
Russia State Credit Note 10 Rubles banknote 1890

Russia State Credit Note 10 Rubles banknote 1890
Russia 10 Rubles banknote 1890

Russia State Credit Note 10 Rubles banknote 1890

Obverse: Coat of Arms of the Russian Empire, 1883 - Imperial Double-Headed Eagle at left. On the right side of the banknote are imperial regalia: The Imperial Monogram of Tsar Alexander III of Russia and the Badge of the Imperial Order of St. Andrew the Apostle the First-Called and crossed sword and Imperial sceptre. Design of the banknotes consist the various architectural elements of Russian-Byzantine style or Neo-Russian style.
  On the obverse is the text: «Государственный кредитный билет. По предъявлении выдается из разменной кассы Государственного Банка  ДЕСЯТЬ РУБЛЕЙ  серебряною или золотою монетою». (State Credit Note. Payable to the bearer of this Note from the currency exchange offices of the State Bank the TEN RUBLES in silver or gold coins).
  Signatures of the Governor of State Bank - Yuliy Galaktionovich Zhukovskiy and one of the cashiers - N. N. Ermolaev.

Reverse: The three large guilloche rosettes with the face value "10" at left, Coat of Arms of the Russian Empire (1883) at center, relief panel with cyrillic (Russian) text: "Extract from the Highest Manifesto of 1 June 1843, relating to the issue of state credit notes" on the right side of the banknote.

Text "Extract from the Highest Manifesto of 1 June 1843, relating to the issue of state credit notes":
1. Размѣнъ государственныхъ кредитныхъ билетовъ на золотую монету обезпечивается  всѣмъ достояніемъ Государства.
2. Государственные кредитные билеты имѣютъ хожденіе во всей Имперіи наравнѣ съ золотою монетою.
3. За поддѣлку кредитныхъ билетовъ виновные подвергаются лишенію всѣхъ правъ состоянія и ссылкѣ въ каторжную работу.

1. The exchange of State Credit Notes for gold coin is guaranteed by the the whole property of the state.
2. State Credit Notes circulate in the whole Empire on par with gold coin.
3. Punishment for Forgery of the State Credit Notes the person who's guilty will be deprived of all property rights and is sent to hard labour.

Date of issue: 27 November 1887, according to the decree (№ 4841) and was put into circulation on August 16, 1888.
Withdrawn from circulation: This notes was exchanged for the new banknotes of 1894 issue, according to the decree of May 2, 1895 (No. 11617), from July 1895.
Printer: Expedition for the Preparation of Government Papers [EZGB] – at present Goznak.
Size: 162 × 102 mm.
Watermark: Face value in arabic numerals "10".

Russian Banknotes - Russia paper money
1887-1894 issue

1 Ruble        3 Rubles        5 Rubles        10 Rubles        25 Rubles