North Russia 100 Rubles banknote 1918

North Russia paper money 100 Rubles banknote 1918
North Russia 100 Rubles banknote 1918

North Russia 100 Rubles banknote 1918
North Russia State Credit Note

The images and colour were reminiscent of Russian Empire banknotes, but the notes were printed on thicker and rougher paper. In addition, the inscription "Northern Russia" appeared at the top of all banknotes. The money was backed with Russian gold and foreign currency in the Bank of England.

Obverse: Design of the banknotes consist the various architectural elements of Art Moderne style. On the obverse is the text: «ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ КРЕДИТНЫЙ БИЛЕТЪ. СТО РУБЛЕЙ. (STATE CREDIT NOTE. ONE HUNDRED RUBLES) and the relief panel with text: «Государственная Эмиссіонная Касса размѣниваетъ кредитные билеты на фунты стерлинговъ безъ ограниченія суммы по курсу 40 рублей = 1 фунту стерлинговъ.». (The State Emission Savings Bank exchanges state credit notes for Pound Sterlings without restrictions as to the total value at an exchange rate of 40 roubles = 1 Pound Sterling).
  Signatures of the Governor of State Bank - Prince (Knyaz) Ivan Anatolievich Kurakin (During civil war he was Minister of finance in the Northern Region government in Arkhangelsk) and one of the members of the Board of Governors of the State Emission Savings Bank - Sir Emmanuel Musgrave Harvey.

The Imperial Crown of Russia above the Imperial Monogram of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia in a laurel wreath above the relief panel with the face value in large arabic numeral "100" at right. The Imperial Coat of Arms of the Russian Empire, 1883 - Imperial Double-Headed Eagle in a laurel wreath above the relief panel with Russian (cyrillic) text, relating to the issue of state credit notes" at left:

1. Размѣнъ государственныхъ кредитныхъ билетовъ на фунты стерлингов обезпечивается  всѣмъ достояніемъ Государства и особымъ неотчуждаемымъ заграничнымъ запасомъ, находящимся въ Aнглійскомъ банкѣ.
2. Государственные кредитные билеты имѣютъ хожденіе наравнѣ съ золотою монетою.
3. За поддѣлку кредитныхъ билетовъ виновные подвергаются лишенію всѣхъ правъ состоянія и ссылкѣ въ каторжную работу.

1. The exchange of State Credit Notes for Pound Sterling is ensured by the the whole property of the State and by a special inalienable foreign reserve, deposited at the Bank of England.
2. State Credit Notes circulate on par with gold coin.
3. Punishment for Forgery of the State Credit Notes the person who's guilty will be deprived of all property rights and is sent to hard labour.

(black overprint on Imperial Crown and on Imperial Monogram of Tsar Nicholas II of Russia)

Reverse: Allegorical Portrait of a Lady. The Monogram letter C (means North Russia) in a laurel wreath at center and female winged angel holding flaming sword at left.

Printer: Waterlow & Sons Limited, London England.
Size: 260 х 122 mm.
Watermark: lines.

North Russia banknotes 1918 - 1919

10 Kopeks      20 Kopeks      50 Kopeks      1 Ruble      3 Rubles 

5 Rubles      10 Rubles      25 Rubles      100 Rubles      500 Rubles